National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NAS of Belarus announces competitions to select initiatives executives

The NAS of Belarus announces competitions to select executives of initiatives of the State Program "High Technologies and Equipment" for the years 2016-2020, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2016 No. 327 of subprogram 1 "Innovative Biotechnologies – 2020."

Competitions are announced for the following initiatives:

  1. To develop and implement methods for risk assessment and medical prevention of miscarriage based on molecular genetic analysis
  2. To develop a technology for ultrafast freezing of bovine embryos based on the vitrification method with the use of highly concentrated cryoprotectants
  3. To develop a methodology for the regulation and activation of cattle oogenesis and embryogenesis in closed systems of in vitro fertilization
  4. To develop and implement a method for rapeseed productivity increasing with the use of microbial preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms
  5. To create a new source material for the varieties and hybrids of rapeseed selection by the method of resynthesis with the use of embryo culture and tissue culture
  6. To create an early ripening variety of oats (Avena sativa) with shortened phases of development and high content of protein in grain by methods of remote hybridization of embryoculture in vitro
  7. To create a variety of festulolium based on intergeneric hybrids of fescue morphotype with the use of in vitro embryoculture, experimental polyploidy and biotechnology
  8. Formation of adaptive varieties of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.), considering ploidy and plant morphotypes from seedling analysis with the use of in vitro temperature shock in climatic chambers
  9. To develop a technology and organize the production of fodder protein concentrate with acidifying properties based on citric acid biosynthesis products
  10. To develop a biological and chemical preservative and technology for conserved fodder harvesting
  11. To develop a complex of biotechnological methods and methods based on DNA technology and selection indices, which ensure the accelerated creation of new final parental forms in pig breeding with a high adaptive capacity
  12. To develop a complex fodder additive and a technology for its production for dairy cattle based on domestic raw materials, which allows to increase the organism resistance and the animals productivity
  13. To develop a technology for obtaining bovine embryos in vitro in the system of transvaginal aspiration of oocytes (TAO)
  14. To develop technologies and master the production of concentrated leaven leukonostoks and concentrated leavens for curds and cheeses of the Dutch group on their basis
  15. To develop a technology and master the production of frozen concentrated leaven cultures based on thermophilic microorganisms for yoghurt and cheeses of suluguni type

The competitions will be held on May 22, 2017.