National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


On-site press event devoted to activities of NASB Central Botanical Garden held

16.05.2017 On May 16, 2017 the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus held an on-site press event devoted to activities of the NASB Central Botanical Garden. It was one of a series of press events dedicated to the Year of Science.

The Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the largest national center for plant biodiversity conservation, the leading scientific institution in the field of introduction, acclimatization, physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, and ecology of plants. The purpose of the press event was to inform the public about the effectiveness of its innovative activities.

Vladimir Titok, Director of the Central Botanical Garden, the Academician Vladimir Reshetnikov, and scientists of the Central Botanical Garden made their presentations before representatives of Belarusian and Russian media. Information was provided on recent scientific achievements, the prospects of the scientific institution development, and upcoming events in the Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus. As it was emphasized, research and practical work in the field of plant introduction ensured the creation of a gene pool of ornamental and economically useful introduced plants, which consists of more than 12 thousand titles and is the national property of the Republic of Belarus. Journalists visited plantations of flowering plants in the Central Botanical Garden, and structural units of the scientific organization.
