National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


2nd Congress of Scientists of the Republic of Belarus to be held

According to the Council of Ministers Decree № 659 of 30 August 2017 the organizing committee for preparing and holding of the 2nd Congress of Scientists of the Republic of Belarus is approved.

Vladimir I. Semashko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, was appointed as a chairman of the organizing committee.

The organizing committee was entrusted with the task of coordinating the work on the preparation and holding the Congress in the IV quarter of 2017 in Minsk. The committee should approve the action plan and the program of the Congress for its preparation and holding, as well as to develop guidelines for selecting representatives and the procedure for electing delegates to the Congress.

Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Belarus should submit proposals to the organizing committee in accordance with the supervised areas on the preparation and holding of the Congress.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee on Science and Technology is responsible for implementation and logistical support of measures on preparation and holding of the Congress, as well as for providing participation representatives of foreign scientific organizations in the Congress. In addition, it is necessary jointly with the Ministry of Information, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and other stakeholders to form working groups on organizational, editorial and publishing, logistical and information support for the Congress and submit the lists to the committee.

The events of the Congress (conferences, seminars, round tables and others) were entrusted to carry out within the framework of the implementation of the Republican plan of events for the Year of Science 2017, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 125 of 14 February 2017.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture with the participation of the public association Belarusian Republican Youth Union should involve young scientists and individuals included in the data banks of gifted and talented youth to work on the preparation and holding of the Congress.