National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


International Scientific and Technical Conference "Innovations in Mechanical Engineering - 2017", dedicated to 60th anniversary of NASB Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering, opens

On 21 September 2017, the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Innovations in Mechanical Engineering - 2017", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the NASB Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering, opened in Minsk. Leading scientists, experts and practitioners of the CIS countries in the field of automotive industry take part in the forum. A solemn meeting, dedicated to the anniversary, took place in the Big Conference Hall of the NASB Presidium. Words of congratulations were addressed to the leadership and staff of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering. After that, a plenary session of the conference began. On September 22, the work of the conference will continue in sections.

The State Scientific Institution "The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" was established by the Decree of the NASB Presidium No. 45 of 17 May 2006. It resulted from the reorganization of the NASB Institute of Mechanics and Reliability of Machines by joining the Research and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belavtotractorostroenie" to it.

The day of 17 August 1957, when the BSSR Council of Ministers established the Institute of Engineering Science of the BSSR Academy of Sciences, is considered to be the day of formation of the NASB Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the leading research center of Belarus in the field of mechanics and mechanical engineering. It has two subdivided centers of collective sharing, namely the Republican Computer Center of Mechanical Engineering and the Center of Structural Research and Tribo-Mechanical Testing of Materials and Mechanical Engineering Products, as well as Research and Development Center “The Republican Proving Ground for Mobile Machines Testing” and “AСADEMSERT” Certification Authority.

At present, Pavel L. Mariev, Hero of Belarus, works at the Institute. Among the researchers, there are also two corresponding members, 17 doctors and 27 candidates of science.
