National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


On 2-7 October 2017, NASB Forest Institute holds 5th International Conference Meeting "Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources"

On 2-7 October 2017, the State Scientific Institution "Forest Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" holds the 5th International Conference Meeting "Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources". It has been organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the NASB Department of Biological Sciences, the NASB Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresourses, the NASB Forest Institute, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). At the Conference Meeting, information on innovative ways to conserve, reproduce and rationally use forest genetic resources will be presented and discussed; the international experience on studying and preserving forest genetic resources will be summarized; the problems of implementation of modern scientific achievements in the field of conservation and use of forest genetic resources in the forestry sector, as well as prospects for activating the innovation process will be discussed. The Conference Meeting received 111 reports from participants representing 97 organizations from 18 countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Brazil, Germany, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, and Switzerland). The number of foreign participants is about 75%.

The Conference venue: the NASB Forest Institute (Homel, vul. Pralietarskaja, 71).

The Conference opens on 2 October 2017 at 12:00 p.m.