Francysk Skaryna is the great Belarusian first printer, an outstanding enlightener and writer of the Renaissance, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Belarusian and Slavic culture. In 1517, F. Skaryna organized a printing house in Prague and issued the first printed book of the Eastern Slavs. In 1517-1519, he translated and printed 23 books of the Bible. Skaryna also published "The Little Travel Book" (1522) and "Apostol" (1525) in Vilnius.
Vladimir G. Gusakov, Chairman of the NASB Presidium; Aleksandr A. Kovalenya, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences and Arts; Yury P. Bondar, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus; A. G. Iksanov, Executive Director of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States; Aleksandr I. Lokotko, Director of the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research of the NAS of Belarus; Ivan V. Saverchenko, Director of the Yanka Kupala Institute of Literature Studies, Doctor of Philology; V.P. Ragoisha, Professor of the BSU, Doctor of Philology; Yu.M. Lavrik, Leading Researcher of the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus will open the conference and attend the plenary session.
75 participants from Belarus and the CIS countries will present their reports at conference sessions. The conference will consider the following issues: