Competitions were held in the following nominations: "The Best Scientific Work in the Field of Fundamental Research"; "The Best Scientific Work in the Field of Applied Research"; "The Best Scientific Work in the Humanities"; "The Best Scientific Work of Young Scientists"; "The Best Scientific Development"; "The Best Publication about Science." Scientists of our country showed great activity in the competitions, devoted to the Year of Science. Sixty-five works were nominated for the prizes. The works were submitted from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and from other organizations.
Based on the proposals of the Commission on Prizes, the NASB Presidium decided to award the Year of Science Prizes in the nomination "The Best Scientific Work in the Field of Fundamental Research" to the following scientists:
Alexander D. Egorov, Chief Researcher of the NASB Institute of Mathematics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, and Viktor B. Malyutin, Leading Researcher of the NASB Institute of Mathematics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, for their scientific work "A Method for the Calculation of Characteristics for the Solution to Stochastic Differential Equations", Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Volume 23, Issue 3 (2017), P. 149-158;
Larisa N. Nikolaevich, Head of the Laboratory of the NASB Institute of Physiology, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor, for a cycle of works "Development of Methods for Controlling the Proliferation of Tumor Cells Based on Changes in the Functional State of Glutamate Receptors on the Model of Clonal Heterogeneity of Tumor Cells in Vitro»;
Alexander A. Pankov, Chief Researcher of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor; Andrei V. Tsitrinov, Associate Professor of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, for their work "Determination of the Higgs Boson Spin by Asymmetry of the Center and the Edge in the Diphthon Channel at the Large Hadron Collider."
The Year of Science Prizes in the nomination "The Best Scientific Work in the Field of Applied Research" were awarded to the following scientists:
Galina V. Kazarnovskaya, Professor of the Vitebsk State Technological University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Natalia A. Abramovich, Head of the Department of the Vitebsk State Technological University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, for the scientific work "Slutsk Belts Manufacturing Technology and Development of National Souvenir Production";
Gennady I. Ryabtsev, Head of the Laboratory of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor; Maxim V. Bogdanovich, Deputy Director of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Konstantin I. Lantsov, Junior Researcher of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus; Andrey G. Ryabtsev, Leading Researcher of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor; Maxim A. Shchemelev, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, for the work "Investigation of the Features of the Formation of High-Quality Laser Beams and the Development of High-Performance Laser Emitters of a New Generation with a Diode Pumping";
Nadezhda I. Schastnaya, Researcher of the NASB Institute of Physiology; Natalia V. Voychenko, Assistant of the Chair of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; Andrey S. Pletnev, Senior Researcher of the N.N. Aleksandrov Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology, Candidate of Medicine; Vladimir S. Ulashchik, Chief Researcher of the NASB Institute of Physiology, Academician, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, for a cycle of works "Photomagnetotherapy, Its Theoretical and Experimental Substantiation, Apparatus and Clinical Application."
The Year of Science Prizes in the nomination "The Best Scientific Work in the Humanities" were awarded to the following scientists:
Alexander I. Lokotko, Director of the NASB Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, Academician, Doctor of History, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, for a cycle of works "Architecture of Belarus: National Style, Heritage, European and World Context";
Sergey N. Nefedov, Head of the Scientific Department of the Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, for the work "Quality Assurance and Increasing the Reliability of Forensic Expertise."
The Year of Science Prizes in the nomination "The Best Scientific Work of Young Scientists" were awarded to the following scientists:
Irina V. Kaltovich, Senior Researcher of the Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific and Practical Center for Foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Technical Sciences, for the cycle of works "Development of Production Technologies for Specialized and Functional Meat Products of Increased Food and Biological Value";
Alexander S. Lukyanov, Senior Inspector of the International Cooperation Sector of the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, for the work "Nanocomposite Materials based on Polyester and Polyamide with Permanent Fire Resistance";
Sergey A. Marchuk, Psychiatrist-Narcologist of the 18th Narcological Department of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health; Olga Y. Zakharevich, Researcher of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health, for their work "Development of New Methods of Medical Care in Autistic Spectrum Disorders";
Dmitry B. Polyakov, Researcher of the NASB Institute of Mathematics, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, for the monograph "Exact Difference Schemes";
Alina L. Savchuk, Senior Researcher of the NASB Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Candidate of Chemistry, for the work "Development of Immunochemical Test Systems for the Quantitative Determination of Brassinosteroids and Their Application in the Analysis of Plant Objects, Brassinosteroid-Containing Drugs and Physiological Fluids" ;
Vadim A. Shklyarik, Researcher of the NASB Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, for the monograph "Microtoponymy of the Eastern Polessye in the Context of the Development of the Regional Lexical System."
The Year of Science Prizes in the nomination "The Best Scientific Development" were awarded to the following scientists:
Vyacheslav A. Dlugunovich, Head of the Center of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Vladimir A. Zhdanovsky, Senior Researcher of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Anatoly V. Isaevich, Deputy Head of the Center of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Evgeny V. Lutsenko, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor; Sergey V. Nikonenko, Senior Researcher of the B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of the NAS of Belarus, for the work "Reference-Measuring Complex for Providing the System of Unity of Measurements of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Laser Technology and Optoelectronics";
Lyudmila S. Tsybulskaya, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, Candidate of Chemistry; Sergey K. Poznyak, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, Candidate of Chemistry; Sergey S. Perevoznikov, Researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, for the work "Development of Functional Coatings for Various Purposes Based on Nickel, Bismuth and Transition Metals Oxides";
Alexander P. Shpak, Director of the NASB Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Natalia V. Kireenko, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the NASB Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Svetlana A. Kondratenko, Head of the Sector of the NASB Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Lidia N. Baygot, Head of the Sector of the NASB Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor; Gordei V. Gusakov, Researcher of the NASB Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex, for the work "The Doctrine of the National Food Security of the Republic of Belarus until 2030."
It was decided to award no prizes in the nomination "The Best Publication about Science."
The results of the competitions dedicated to the Year of Science