National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Forum on thyroid cancer to be held in National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

On 2 March 2018 (Friday) at 9.30 the conference with international participation "Thyroid cancer: multidisciplinary approach to pathology" dedicated to the memory of Academician of the NAS of Belarus Yevgeny P. Demidchik and Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus Yury Ye. Demidchik will be opened in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, praspiekt Niezaliežnasci 66, conference hall).

The forum will be attended by leading oncologists of Belarus, Russia, Japan, Germany, Kazakhstan, etc. It is planned that the well-known oncologist-surgeon Subramanian Somasundaram, founder and director of the Eurasian Federation of Oncology and the Scientific and Educational Center "Eurasian Cancer Program "EFО", Anna Ye. Gurina, head of the Eurasian anticancer fund, and other leading experts will welcome the forum participants.

The conference will address such pressing issues as the health problems of people affected by man-made disasters: the lessons of Chernobyl and Fukushima, the newest methods of treatment and diagnosis of thyroid cancer, will analyze the incidence of thyroid cancer in the affected population of the Republic of Belarus.

Work of the press – 9.15.

Forum program
