The purpose of the meeting was to inform the public on the eve of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia on the implementation of the Union State SKIF-Nedra program. The main report on the implementation of the SKIF-Nedra Program was made by the Deputy Director General for Science and Innovations Sergei Kruglikov. Programs performers presented information to representatives of Republican and Allied mass media. Journalists visited the structural units of the Institute, State Supercomputer Multi-access Center and Department of Intelligent Information Systems.
The press tour was attended by representatives of about 20 mass media. Among them are news agencies BelTA, Minsk-Novosti, newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Eurasian Pravda”, “Zvyazda", "Narodnaya Gazeta", "Soyuznoe Veche", the First National channel of the Belarusian radio, etc.