National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB Academpharm statement regarding pharmaceutical substance Valsartan

The State Enterprise ACADEMPHARM of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus informs that they use active pharmaceutical substance Valsartan produced by TevaAPIIndiaLtd company for production of Valsartan-NAS, Valsamlodin, Ko-Valsartan medicines. There is a confirmatory entry on the official website of the Center for Examinations and Tests in Health service in the section "Registries of Medicinal Agents".

The Chinese substance Valsartan produced by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals is not procured or used at the ACADEMPHARM. Therefore, consumers should not worry about the quality of our products.

We also draw attention of consumers and specialists to new products of ACADEMPHARM:
- Nicergoline-NAS - medication to improve cerebral and peripheral circulation;
- Rosutatin - medication to reduce cholesterol in the blood;
- Lozar H - combined medication to reduce blood pressure.

Detailed information about all the drugs produced by ACADEMPHARM you can find on the company website
