National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Musicologists of the K. Krapiva Institute of Art Studies, Ethnography and Folklore will present five monographs

On the year of the 90th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, musicologists from the K. Krapiva Institute of Art Studies, Ethnography and Folklore of the Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research of the NAS of Belarus published five interesting monographs. Their presentation will be held on November 30, 2018, at the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library at 14:00.

Each of the monographs, for the first time in Belarusian musicology, reveals different facets of the composer's creativity and concert music playing. In particular, choral genre laying at the origin of music of the European classical tradition in its extension to the modern era (Цмыг Г.П. «Европейский хоровой концерт. История. Теория. Практика»); temple liturgical practice and hymnography (Чернова Е.А. «Гімнаграфія праваслаўнага богаслужэння ў беларускай музычнай культуры ХХ – пачатку ХХІ стагоддзя»); individual composer’s style representing the paradoxical logic of thinking (Копытько Н.А. «Нонсенс в поэтике Виктора Копытько: “Шесть Двойных Терцетов на стихи Льюиса Кэрролла”»); the specifics of performing music interpretation (Горбушина И.Л. «Исполнительская интерпретация фортепианного произведения: белорусский контекст»); and national concert music playing (in the person of pianists, organists, folk and wind instruments, choral and orchestral conductors) reached to new creative peaks in the period of state sovereignty (Мдивани Т.Г., Цмыг Г.П., Савицкая О.П., Ювченко Н.А., Ничков Б.В. «Белорусское концертно-исполнительское искусство современности: 1991 – 2016»).

Each book reveals previously unknown pages of the national musical art in different areas: composing, concert performance, hymnography, as well as musical folklore. The books are distinguished by a truly academic depth of the theme, encyclopedic knowledge, and strong historical and theoretical basis.

All publications are richly illustrated and contain valuable source material, intended for professional musicians, music lovers, educational institutions of culture and art, as well as for researchers in the humanities.

The event will be attended by representatives of universities and musical groups.

Everyone is welcome!