National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Seminar “Man and nature: local knowledge about plants in the traditional culture of Belarusians” to take place on 25 March

On 25 March 2019, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the NAS of Belarus within the international technical assistance project UNDP-GEF "Strengthening human resources, legal systems and institutional capacity to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus" of 30.03.2018 No. 2/1/000874 with the participation of the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research of the NAS of Belarus holds a seminar "Man and nature: local knowledge about plants in the traditional culture of Belarusians."

The program of the event includes presentations of herbalists from different regions of Belarus, tasting of herbal collections, showing films about traditional knowledge, including from field expeditions conducted within the project, discussion with project experts and seminar participants (folklorists, geneticists, lawyers and traditional knowledge holders related to genetic resources) of possible national legal mechanisms to protect the rights of traditional knowledge holders based on the existing international experience of such protection.

Venue: conference hall of Minsk Hotel (second floor)
When: 25 March 2019, 9.00-17.00

Event program