National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Admission to Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies of National Academy of Sciences in 2020 Announced

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus announces an admission to the doctoral and postgraduate studies in 2020 in a wide range of scientific professions. According to Order No. 26 of the Chairman of the NASB Presidium as of May 26, 2020 “On periods of admission for post graduate training in 2020”, the documents of intending doctoral ...

Изменен: 12.06.2020
announcements , postgraduate , doctoral studies , training

Contest for scholarships of Belarus President to postgraduate students for 2019 announced

... September 6, 2011 “On Social Support of Students”, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus jointly with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus announced an open contest for scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus to postgraduate students for 2020. Candidates for the scholarships are nominated in three stages. The first and second stages for the postgraduate students studying at the NASB scientific organizations will be held at the Academy of Sciences. Information ...

Изменен: 06.06.2019
scholarships , postgraduate

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