National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Congratulations of the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus V. G. Gusakov on March 8

Dear Ladies!
Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and my own behalf, I congratulate you on an amazingly beautiful, bright spring holiday – Women’s Day!

In the rapid flow of events, we, men, sometimes undeservedly forget to download to you, dear ladies, words of admiration and gratitude for your daily work, for your significant contribution to the development of Belarusian science and society. But these words are so necessary!

Only you are able to combine tenderness and determination, maturity and youth. Only you have enough strength to make a career, and fill the house with comfort, and surround your loved ones with care. Your wisdom preserves the home and teaches you to lead work collectives. Your patience helps you endure the hardships of everyday life, your kindness helps you bring up your children.

From year to year, the role of women in our country is increasing. Your high professionalism, creative approach to work, enthusiasm and initiative plays an invaluable role in the life of the Academy of Sciences. Indeed, today the share of the ladies among researchers at the NAS of Belarus is almost 48%, candidates of sciences – more than 43%, doctors of sciences – up to 20%. There is a high proportion of applicants among academic undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students.

Without you, dear ladies, our Academy would not be what is today. Research teams, where women play an important role, set an example of how even in our difficult times it is possible to successfully cope with assigned tasks. The winners of many prestigious scientific awards and prizes in recent years are women scientists.

We men love you when you are around – at home and at work, you are our hope and support.

Thank you for everything. For kindness, love and tenderness, work and patience. For serving as a source of inspiration to us.

May there always be spring in your soul, and may happiness, love and luck never leave you! Let the warmth of this spring holiday warm your hearts!

Good health, prosperity, joy to you and your loved ones!

Vladimir Gusakov,
The Chairman of the Presidium of the NASB, Academician