National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Congratulations of the Chairman of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov on the International Worker’s Day

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and my own behalf, I congratulate you on May 1!

Let the name change over time, but the holidays itself remained bright for us in a symbol of Spring and Labor. These two concepts will never lose their significance. From Spring, which sets a new rhythm of life, we always expect good changes, we associate hopes for renewal with it. And we certainly know that only by hard work our future, the well-being of each of us, can be achieved. Respect for working people is at the core of our mentality and character.

Scientists have always been able to work for the benefit of society. The Academy of Sciences has made and is making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the state, annually increasing the volume of work on scientific and scientific-technical activities. Belarusian researchers are successfully working in the most important priority areas. With the help of the latest scientific achievements, Belarus provides the solution to large-scale problems. Thus, close interaction of academic, university and industrial science gives the results that are necessary in industry, agriculture, medicine, and other important areas of social development.

Spring and Labor give new strength and unite different generations. This holiday still personifies the solidarity of workers, symbolizes the unity and determination of the creative forces united by a common desire for peace, stability, prosperity, happiness and sustainable development.

I wish you peace for work, strong health, prosperity in every home, and a good spring good. Let optimism and belief in the best never leave you!

Vladimir Gusakov,
The Chairman of the Presidium of the NASB, Academician