Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Day of the October Revolution.
This holiday is celebrated annually in our country as a symbol of respect for the traditions and achievements of previous generations.
The revolution of 1917 was the greatest event of the 20th century - it was a revolution of the people and for the people. To this day, the achievements of Red October remind us of the need to assert social justice and a strong state power supported by all segments of the country's population.
Free education and medical care, an eight-hour working day, the elimination of class privileges, freedom of conscience and equality of civil rights of women and men - these and other benefits that seem natural and inalienable to us constitute the conquest of that time.
In the Year of Historical Memory, it is important to remember what role the events of November 7, 1917 played in the destinies of many peoples, including the people of Belarus. 105 years ago, it was the October Revolution that made possible the creation of the Belarusian state, realized the legitimate right of the people to self-determination, the development of their culture and the strengthening of national unity. Thanks to it, the Belarusian people had the opportunity to contribute to the creation and development of a powerful state – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Having adopted all the best from the Soviet era, Belarus is now steadily developing and dynamically moving forward to ensure a decent life for citizens. Its national heritage is multiplying, the economy, industry, agriculture, social sphere and science are reaching a new innovative level. And today we are proud of both the scientific achievements of the Soviet era, which laid a solid foundation for the modern Belarusian science, and the latest results that are declarative of solid outlook into the future.
By good tradition, it is customary to celebrate November 7 with labor gifts. For this day, new houses, industrial and social facilities are being commissioned in different parts of the country — evidence of the growing welfare of the people. We at the Academy of Sciences also have a lot of fundamental and applied results – the basis of innovativeness in our economy.
I sincerely wish all of you, dear friends, good health, happiness, success and scientific achievements in the name of our beloved Belarus.
Happy holidays!