National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Press conference held on the Creation of an Electronic Version of the Belarusian Encyclopaedia

On November 14, 2024, a press conference was held at the National Press Centre of the Republic of Belarus on the Creation of an Electronic Version of the Belarusian Encyclopaedia. Stanislaw Juretski, Director of the Jakub Kolas Central Scientific Library; Sofja Samuel, Head of the Main Editorial Office of the Centre for Encyclopaedic Publications; Igar Kapylow, Director of the Jakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics; Aliaksiej Litvin, Head of the Centre for Military History of Belarus of the Institute of History of the NAS of Belarus; Aliaksandr Pugachewski, Head of the Laboratory of Forest Ecology Problems and Dendrochronology of the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F. Kuprevich of the NAS of Belarus and Mikhail Struk, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Optimization of Geosystems of the Institute for Environmental Management of the NAS of Belarus related the work on the new project.

According to the participants of the press event, the goal of the new project is to create a space of reliable knowledge about Belarus. In electronic format, the encyclopaedia is divided into blocks (sections) by topic. Authors who have previously confirmed their scientific qualifications are involved in writing articles. This is a multi-volume regional national encyclopaedia of country studies of the international level. A unique project in terms of the information amount, the number of specialists involved and the creation of opportunities for their interaction. The fundamental publication contains articles of sufficient volume and depth of analysis on all the most important aspects, phenomena and concepts in the history and present of Belarus. This is a codifying publication reflecting the development level of science and culture, the most important impetus for further development.

Currently, the Belarusian Encyclopaedia website has been developed and is open to users -

Full version of the press conference –