On November 21–22, 2024, the Modern Problems of Cell Engineering, Immunology and Allergology 4th international scientific conference will be held at the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the NAS of Belarus in a hybrid format combining face-to-face and online reports. The conference will be attended by leading scientists, doctors, specialists in the field of cell biology, immunology and allergology of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and other countries. The conference will present reports on topical issues of cell biology and engineering, clinical allergology and allergy diagnostics, clinical immunology and immunoprophylaxis, as well as the results of research on human immunity in viral diseases and vaccine prophylaxis. The conference will provide participants with an opportunity to share experiences and examples of successful interaction between scientists and practitioners. The conference will be held at Akademichnaja 27. Links to access the online broadcast are posted on the website of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the NAS of Belarus.