National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Joint session of Presidiums of NAS of Belarus and RAS Siberian Branch takes place

On November 26, 2015 a joint session of the Presidiums of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was held at the NAS of Belarus. The event involved a large delegation of researchers from Siberia. Before the meeting Chairman of NASB Presidium Vladimir Gusakov and Chairman of RAS Siberian Branch Alexander Aseev presented the 2015 V.A.Koptyug Prize winners on the Belarusian side with winner’s certificates.

The focus of the joint session was the state and prospects of development of cooperation between the NAS of Belarus and the RAS Siberian Branch. Vice-Chairman of NASB Presidium Sergei Kilin and Chairman of RAS Siberian Branch Alexander Aseev made reports on the mentioned topic. The event also included reports on the joint activities.