At the opening ceremony, representatives of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the NAS of Belarus told about successful active cooperation with the Russian side: the Ministry of Energy, the company "Hydrotech", CJSC "RPC Mediana-Filter" and others.
Among other technologies of water purification and treatment the features of ultrafiltration technology, decarbonization and deaeration, plants of ion exchange with separation of substances, water coagulation were discussed at the forum. The report of the Director of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry Alexander Bildyukevich focused on the latest developments of the Institute — technology of catalytic water deoxygenation. Scientists of the NASB Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry created a unique plant of the ion exchange apparatus that can effectively purify water from natural organic compounds. This plant was installed at the end of 2015 in Brest CHP-1, has successfully passed acceptance tests and was recommended by the Ministry of Energy Commission of the Republic of Belarus for mass production.