National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


9th Belarusian Antarctic expedition to start in NAS of Belarus

On October 27, 2016 from 17.00 to 20.00 a meeting of the members of the Belarusian Antarctic expeditions with the general public and a public lecture on "Belarus: a foothold in the Antarctic" will be hosted in the large conference hall of the NASB Presidium (Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 66). The event, which is open to everyone, is dedicated to the launch of a new 9th Belarusian Antarctic expedition. The lecture will be held in the framework of the project "Science beside itself" aimed at the popularization of scientific knowledge and activity of Belarusian scientists and specialists.

During the event, attendees will learn about the contribution of Belarusian scientists in the study of Antarctica and the importance of polar research for Belarus. The book "Belarus in the Antarctic. For the 10th anniversary of the start of the regular academic and field research" and a film about the installation of the first module of the "Belarusian house" at the South Pole will be presented at the meeting. The meeting will cover issues of international cooperation, the construction of the Belarusian Antarctic station. The participants will be able to see the beauty of nature in the icy continent, and also to get an idea about the life of Belarusian polar explorers. The lecture assumes work in the format "question and answer", where everyone can get first-hand information on the topic of interest. All those present will have the opportunity to say parting words to the brave explorers of the Antarctic before the next departure of the Belarusian polar expedition.

The exhibition of unique photographs relating to the activity of the Belarusian Antarctic expeditions, as well as exhibits of Oceanography Center "Open Ocean" will be opened for visitors in the foyer at the second floor. There will also be presented the layout of the Belarusian Antarctic station. The participants will be provided an autograph session, during which all interested will receive a commemorative photos.

The event is organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, The Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NAS of Belarus and the Youth Educational Center "Fialta".

The event program
17.00 – 17.30 – Demonstration of photo and video materials, and exhibits of Oceanography Center "Open Ocean", autograph session, and press interviews (hall of the 2nd floor of the NASB Presidium)
17.30 – 18.00 – The official part (address by the leadership and famous scientists – climatologists of the NAS of Belarus)
18.00 – 19.00 – Presentations of the participants of Belarusian Antarctic expeditions
19.00 – 20.00 – Questions and answers. Parting words from the audience.

* Summary of the project "Science beside itself":
"Science beside itself" is a series of popular scientific lectures by leading scientists and experts, this is a space for acquiring new knowledge outside of schools and universities, it is relevant and interesting topics and accessible language, discussions and informal communication with experts. The project is designed for the general public.
