National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Ambassador of Republic of Korea in Republic of Belarus visits NASB Researchers Training Institute

On November 9, 2016 the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Belarus Mr. Kim Yong Ho visited State Educational Institution "The Researchers Training Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" at the invitation of its rector I. Gancherenok.

I. Gancherenok familiarized the guests with the Institute's activities and possible areas of cooperation with potential Korean partners in the development and implementation of innovative master's programs, internships and academic mobility.

Kim Yong Ho, for his part, described the scope of cooperation with the Institute in the field of training of scientific personnel, development of joint educational programs and the commercialization of scientific developments as promising.

The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector D. Primshits, the head of the chair of Information Technology I. Bogdanova, Associate Professor A. Shemarov.