National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


NASB announces Republican contests dedicated to Year of Science

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus announces the Republican contests dedicated to the Year of Science in 2017 in the following categories: "The best scientific work in the field of basic research"; "The best scientific work in the field of applied research"; "The best scientific work in the Humanities"; "The best scientific work of young scientists"; "The best scientific development"; "The best publication about science."

Due to the announcement 2017 the Year of Science in the Republic of Belarus, by the Decree of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus of March 23, 2017 No. 19, Republican contests dedicated to the Year of Science were established.

According to the contests results, six Prizes of the Year of Science (150 basic units each one) are to be awarded.

Applicants for the Year of Science Prizes can be citizens of the Republic of Belarus: members of scientific organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, of other scientific organizations and educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Prizes can be awarded both to individual authors and to collectives of authors, consisting of no more than 5 people. Candidates are nominated by the scientific organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, other scientific organizations and educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus at the meetings of collegial governing bodies, at the councils of scientists (scientific and technical) or meetings of working coomunities.

The works (developments) submitted for the Year of Science Contests include the results obtained over the period 2015-2017.

The requirements for the nomination of works for the Year of Science Contests are listed in the Regulations on Republican Contests on the Year of Science, approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the NAS of Belarus of March 23, 2017 No. 19.

Materials for the nomination of work (development) for the Year of Science Contests are to be sent in one copy to the Commission of the NAS of Belarus on Prizes until October 1, 2017, with the indication of the nomination "For the Year of Science Prizes in the nomination ______________________" at the address: 220072, Minsk, 66 praspiekt Niezaliežnasci, room 317, 406.

If you have any questions please contact: (017) 284-24-56; (017) 284-28-26.