National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Scientists of NAS of Belarus participate in press conference on issues of scientific support of pharmaceutical and microbiological industries

On 11 October 2017, a press conference on issues of scientific support of pharmaceutical and microbiological industries was held at the National Press Center of the Republic of Belarus. The event was dedicated to the Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industries Workers. It was attended by Alexander V. Bildyukevich, Director of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician of the NAS of Belarus; Emily I. Kolomiyets, Director of the State Scientific and Production Amalgamation "Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnologies", Director of the Institute of Microbiology, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus; Elena N. Kalinichenko, Deputy Director for Scientific and Innovation Work of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the NAS of Belarus, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Belarus; and Olga A. Kazyuchits, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the State Enterprise "Akademfarm".

Heads of the NASB organizations talked about the achievements of scientists in the field of scientific support of the pharmaceutical and microbiological industries, and focused on the problems to be solved. They also answered the journalists questions.