In his welcoming speech, Nikolai Serdyuchenko, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus, noted the role of Yevgeny P. Demidchik and Yury Ye. Demidchik in the development of the methodology and practice of treating of thyroid cancer.
Director of the Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Iosif Zalutsky noted that Belarus is developing active cooperation with Germany and Japan in the field of diagnosis and treatment of oncology. Therefore, the forum was attended by guests from Japan, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, who have long been cooperating with Belarusian scientists in the field of diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer.
Professor of the University Clinic in Würzburg (Germany) Rainers Christoph noted that he began to cooperate with Belarusian scientists in the 1990s. "We have established cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of thyroid cancer treatment. Surgical treatment was available in Belarus. Radioiodine therapy was available in Germany, and then in Belarus. This combined treatment allowed to reduce the mortality from this disease", he said.
Yamashita Syunichi, Professor of the Department of radiation medicine and atomic bomb of the Medical University in Nagasaki (Japan), noted two areas of cooperation with Belarus: diagnosis of thyroid cancer and monitoring of patients operated after cancer detection. "Belarusian colleagues have shared their experience that helped us in the prevention of this disease after the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant," Professor added.