National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Presentation of book “In the shadow of castles and palaces” by Boris Lazuko takes place within 26th Minsk International Book Fair

A presentation of a book “In the shadow of castles and palaces” by Boris Lazuko, head of the Department of the Ancient Belarusian Culture at the the Kandrat Krapiva Institute of Art Studies, Ethnography and Folklore that is the branch of the NASB Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, took place within the 26th Minsk International Book Fair. The book was published in the Belarus Publishing House in 2018. The book deals with the material culture of the Belarusian social elite, which has not been the subject of special research until now. The book presents the material in the chronological principle. This made it possible to consider the traditions of the Belarusian aristocracy’s life, the pattern of development of the domestic arts and crafts in conjunction with the common European historical and cultural processes. The book describes in detail the interior of estates and palaces, each element of which is a separate work of art. This is the most complete collection with detailed illustrations and detailed descriptions. The book is intended for a wide audience. A string trio performed classical music at the presentation.