National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Round table on bioinformatics to be held at NASB Institute of Genetics and Cytology

A round table discussion on bioinformatics will be held at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the NAS of Belarus. The participants will present the achievements of Belarusian biologists and programmers in the field of bioinformatics and discuss the difficulties encountered by scientists in this field and ways to overcome them.

Modern biology deals with huge amounts of data, to which traditional methods of statistical processing are either not applicable, or they simply cannot cope with such a volume of data. This is where bioinformatics comes to help. If you are a biologist, you need then bioinformatics to solve such tasks as genome assembling, finding and studying gene functions, predicting gene expression, predicting protein functions, etc. For computer scientists and mathematicians, bioinformatics is an opportunity to apply Сomputer Science knowledge to solve problems related to health, quality and life expectancy of people, modeling of evolutionary processes, finding a connection between genotype and phenotype, etc.

Date: 28 February 2019, beginning at 14:00.

Venue: Minsk, 27 Akademicheskaya Street, 2nd floor, assembly hall of the Scientific and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources.

The program of the round table.