National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Belarusian Society of Genetics and Breeders invites to open lecture delivered by academician Igor Tikhonovich

The 9th International scientific conference "Zhebrakov readings. Genome transformation" under the auspices of the Belarusian Society of Genetics and Breeders will take place on 16 October 2019. The 9th International scientific conference "Zhebrakov readings. Genome transformation" under the auspices of the Belarusian Society of Genetics and Breeders will take place on 16 October 2019. The forum was organized in memory of the outstanding genetic scientist, academician Anton...

Изменен: 03.10.2019
open lectures , announcements

NASB Institute of Genetics and Cytology invites to open lecture on stages of sequencing using Illumina technology for DNA and RNA

The Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus invites to an open lecture on the stages of sequencing using Illumina technology for DNA and RNA. Lecture: NGS Illumina DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq: comparing of the whole workflows (ru). Time: 4 September 2019, from 3:00 till 6:00 p.m. Venue: the NASB Institute of Genetics and Cytology (Minsk, Akademicheskaya str., 27, room 141). Lecturer: Donat P. Ermakovich, Leading Specialist, Bioinformatics Department, Institute of...

Изменен: 30.08.2019
open lectures , announcements

Welcome to open lecture by Igor Ivanov "Collider: in Search of New Physics"

The Science and Innovations journal invites all interested to an open lecture by Igor Ivanov "Collider: in Search of New Physics." The lecture will cover the search for a new, deeper theory of the microworld structure, which is conventionally called New Physics and has become the main goal of elementary particle physics. The lecturer will acquaint the audience with the facts concerning the work of the Large Hadron Collider over previous 10 years. He will tell about new discoveries and dramas...

Изменен: 30.08.2019
open lectures , announcements

Scientists Without Borders invites to open workshop with virologist Sergei Popov

The Scientists Without Borders holds public workshop with Professor Sergei Popov who will present a report "The role of interactions of subviral structures of human immunodeficiency virus with cell proteins in the molecular pathogenesis of infection.” The Scientists Without Borders holds public workshop with Professor Sergei Popov who will present a report "The role of interactions of subviral structures of human immunodeficiency virus with cell proteins in the molecular pathogenesis...

Изменен: 30.05.2019
announcements , open lectures

Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry to hold open lecture through social and scientific initiative "Scientists without Borders"

... membrane proteins, for a wide range of in vitro applications; development of FRET-based screening methods using fluorescent labeled proteins and nucleic acids; production of magnetic nanoparticles and liposomes for biological applications. To keep up with open lectures organized as part of the Scientists without Borders initiative, join the group on Facebook . Past lectures of the project are available on Youtube channel .

Изменен: 21.05.2019
announcements , open lectures

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