National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to launch Twelfth Belarusian Antarctic Expedition

On 5 November 2019 (Tuesday), a solemn launch ceremony of the Twelfth Belarusian Antarctic Expedition (12th BAE) will take place at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. On 5 November 2019 (Tuesday), a solemn launch ceremony of the Twelfth Belarusian Antarctic Expedition (12th BAE) will take place at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The event program: 16.00 – speaking to the press 16.30 – 17.30 – an official part of the event The 12th BAE team includes 10 participants, namely:...

Изменен: 01.11.2019
polar explorers , meetings , announcements

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