... Today, we are obliged to reach everyone who survived the drama of 1941-1945: to support them, bestow our care and attention. We bow low to you, dear veterans! We wish you good health, long life and emotional warmth! I sincerely wish you every felicity! Congratulations of the Victory Day! Vladimir Gusakov, The Chairman of Presidium of NAS of Belarus
Изменен: 08.05.2020Dear colleagues! Dear friends! On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, I congratulate the scientific community on the professional holiday - the Day of Belarusian Science! Dear colleagues! Dear friends! On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, I congratulate the scientific community on the professional holiday - the Day of Belarusian Science! The scientists’ contribution into the country’s development has an exceptional value....
Изменен: 24.01.2020Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexandr Skvotsov and Oleg Skripochka congratulated the scientific community of Belarus on the Day of Belarusian Science from the orbit, from the International space station. Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexandr Skvotsov and Oleg Skripochka congratulated the scientific community of Belarus on the Day of Belarusian Science from the orbit, from the International space station. Aleksandr Skvotsov: Dear Belarusian friends! We, Roscosmos cosmonauts Aleksandr Skvotsov and Oleg Skripochka...
Изменен: 24.01.2020Alexey Gaydashov sent congratulations on the Day of Science to all scientists of the country on behalf of participants of the 12th Belarusian Antarctic Expedition. Alexey Gaydashov sent congratulations on the Day of Science to all scientists of the country on behalf of participants ...
Изменен: 24.01.2020Dear colleagues, dear veterans! On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and myself, I congratulate you on the main national holiday, Independence Day. This year we celebrate it together with the 75th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders. Dear colleagues, dear veterans! On behalf of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and myself, I congratulate you on the main national holiday, Independence Day. This year we celebrate...
Изменен: 02.07.2019Отсортировано по релевантности | Сортировать по дате