Andrei Ivanets (born 17.09.1984, Minsk city), chemist, doctor of chemical sciences (2017), associate professor (2016).
Scientific works on colloid chemistry and investigation of inorganic porous materials with specified structural-phase organization and surface chemistry. He developed physical and chemical bases for obtaining and regulating the structure and properties of inorganic membrane, sorption and catalytically active materials, as well as justified their efficiency in the processes of purification of natural and technological water environments from ions of toxic metals, radionuclides, dyes and pharmaceutical substations. He revealed the mechanism of structural formation and formation of microfiltration ceramic membranes on the basis of natural Si (IV) oxide of Belarus and other countries. He developed sorbents based on mixed phosphates of multivalent metals for purification of liquid radioactive wastes of complex radionuclide composition and high salt content. He established sorption, kinetic and thermodynamic regularities of extraction of heavy metal ions by sorbents based on modified natural dolomite on the example of model water solutions and real waste water. For the first time he proposed new complex oxide systems for obtaining catalytically active materials effective in processes of de-ironing and demanganization of fresh and mineral artesian waters. He developed Fenton-like catalysts and installed the mechanism of catalytic destruction of hard-to-oxidize toxic pollutants on the example of a number of pharmaceutical substations and organic dyes.
He is the author of over 200 scientific works, including 1 monograph and 6 patents.
Laureate of the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Belarus for postgraduate students (2009) and talented young scientists (2014), laureate of the competition "100 talents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2018), laureate of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Alferov Foundation for Education and Science support (2015), a grantee of the World Federation of Scientists (2015).