Petr Georgievich Nikitenko (b. 02.01.1943, v. Zhigalovo, Vitebsk district), a scientist and economist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2000; corresponding member since 1994), Doctor of Economic Sciences (1991), Professor (1991).
Scientific works in the field of national security, public administration and construction, scientific and technological, innovative development, increasing the efficiency of capital accumulation, funds and the intensification of social production. Studies on the problems of accumulation and efficiency of social reproduction from the standpoint of the economic interrelation of nature, man and society are contributions to the development of the theory, methodology and methods of sustainable development in a regional-sectoral aspect. Developed an economic-mathematical macromodel of social reproduction of the noospheric orientation, reflecting the unity of the natural (ecological), material and non-material (social) spheres of social reproduction.
Author of more than 500 scientific papers, incl. 33 monographs.
Prize of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in 2001.
Awarded with medals.