Alexander Nikolaevich Danilov (b. 14.05.1955, Vitebsk), sociologist, political scientist. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1996), Doctor of Sociological Sciences (1994), Professor (1997).
Basic research in the field of theory, methodology and history of sociology. The author of a theoretical and methodological concept that reveals the mechanism of systemic transformational changes in post-Soviet countries, developed the theoretical background for a new direction in sociological science: the sociology of transformational processes in transitional societies. He explored the relationship between government and society, the functions of the political elite, the current problems of globalization policy and the prospects for the development of a national state. Constituted the categorical system of sociology of power in relation to the current stage of civilizational development. He proposed a socio-cultural model of the concept of state youth policy, analyzed the situation of young people in the conditions of transition to market relations, the dynamics of value orientations. The author of textbooks and textbooks on sociology, other humanities and social sciences, methodology and methods of sociological research, theory and history of sociology.
Author of more than 200 scientific papers, incl. 6 monographs.
Laureate of the Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the best scientific work (1999), scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus for achieving high results in the field of professional activity (2001).