Leonid Ilyich Gursky (b. 10.01.1936, Minsk), a scientist in the field of solid state physics, atomic physics, microelectronics and materials science. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1994), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1973), Professor (1978).
For the first time, on the basis of the proposed model of an atom containing virial and dynamic symmetries, he physically substantiated the symmetry properties of the Periodic System and calculated multiplets, the content of which was fully confirmed by the experimentally established composition of electron shells for all chemical elements. Experimentally discovered new phenomena - high-temperature primary recrystallization in nanoscale heterogeneous materials; the formation during deformation of metals of a cellular dislocation structure in the bulk and an amorphous layer on the surface; abnormal increase in dislocation density during shear deformation; the formation of radiation-induced defects in metal-dielectric-semiconductor structures during high-field electron injection; abnormal increase in fixed charge at high temperatures in silicon dioxide; the formation in multicomponent systems of compounds and azeotropic mixtures that do not dissociate when the state of matter changes. Created several generations of instruments and automated systems for monitoring the physical properties of metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, characteristics of capacitors, diodes, transistors, microchips, liquid crystal indicators, precision resistors, cellulose, materials in high vacuum, dynamic characteristics when testing torpedoes, optical characteristics of super-power output windows IR lasers. On the effects of resonant electron tunneling in quantizing oriented fields of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures with a grating control system, he developed methods for the formation of quantum wells and quantum dots. Participated in the creation of the effects of diffraction of accelerated electrons in crystals tunable x-ray laser. He proposed the concept of a non-iterative design of microcircuits, which is implemented at NPO Integral in the production of microprocessor complexes, microcomputers and more than 100 types of other microcircuits for industrial and household appliances.
Author of more than 250 scientific papers, incl. 7 monographs, 65 inventions.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1984 for the creation of scientific foundations, the development of technology and the organization of highly profitable mass production of low-threshold large integrated circuits on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor structures.
Awarded with a medal.