Anatoly Viktorovich Kudelsky (b. 16.09.1934, v. Malo-Sofievka, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine), a scientist in the field of regional geology and hydrogeology. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1996), Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences (1978), Professor (1987).
Scientific research in the field of geology and hydrogeology. He carried out research on high-temperature lithogenesis of sedimentary formations of oil and gas basins, the problem of geological control of mineral deposits, gas and thermal regimes of the geological structures of the earth's crust. He developed the concept of the energy and material balance of sedimentary-rock basins in the processes of high-temperature lithogenesis, which formed the theoretical basis of the theory of geofluidodynamics, the origin and distribution of deposits of hydrogenic minerals, incl. flammable. One of the founders of the modern theory of oil and gas. He carried out fundamental studies of the gas regime and geochemistry of groundwater and brines of the Pripyat oil and gas basin. For the first time raised the question about the prospects for the use of brines as a source of iodine, bromine, rare and trace elements. He is the author of conceptual-probabilistic models for locating and searching for deposits of hydrocarbons in the earth's crust, industrial iodine waters and brines using structural-geological, hydrogeochemical and thermal criteria. Contributed to the development of the problems of migration of radionuclides of Chernobyl origin in the soil substrate and natural waters of the contaminated territories of Belarus, created a geological and hydrogeological concept of underground disposal of radioactive waste.
Author of about 400 scientific papers, incl. 20 monographs.
State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in 1998 for the work “Discovery and national economic use of mineral water deposits in the Republic of Belarus (scientific research, exploration, medico-balneological and drinking development)”. Prize of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus named after academician V.A. Koptyug in 2004.