Gennady Ilich Lazyuk (b. 02.04.1927, Minsk), a geneticist. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1995), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1986), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1976), Professor (1978). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (2000). Honorary Member of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil, 2001) and the University of Hiroshima (Japan, 2002).
Scientific studies are related to the study of genetics, phenotypic manifestations and diagnosis of chromosomal syndromes, syndromes of malformations of non-chromosomal etiology, epidemiology of malformations, as well as the organization of the genetic monitoring system in Belarus. In recent years, the main studies are devoted to clarifying the genetic consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and methods of preventing hereditary pathology. He proposed an original approach of an integrated clinical and morphological study, which allows to determine the quantitative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to the origin of human embryonic development disorders. Under his leadership, the genetic structure of a number of monomutant forms of syndromes was established, 7 previously unknown ones were identified. With his participation in the 1960s, the Medical Genetic Service of Belarus was created.
Author of more than 320 scientific papers, incl. 10 monographs.