Leonid Petrovich Titov (b. 03.10.1946, v. Mikhailovichi, Gorki district, Mogilev region), a scientist in the field of medical microbiology and immunology. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2000), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1991), Professor (1993). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (2000). Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2004). Honorary Professor of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, member of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (2003).
Scientific researches are devoted to the molecular biology of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, cellular and molecular mechanisms of natural and specific anti-infective and antitumor immunity, the development of methods and drugs for the diagnosis and prevention of infectious and immunopathological states. Conducted research on the role of the complement system in the pathogenesis of chronic infections and secondary immunodeficiency states, autoimmune and allergic diseases, developed and introduced into practice methods for assessing the factors of natural immunity and specific immunoreactivity. Established the spectrum and depth of molecular-cellular disorders of the immune system of children in the first weeks/months after the Chernobyl accident and in the long-term period (1986-2008), the formation of hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, lymphocyte DNA damage. In 1994, as an expert, he participated in the work of the international commission for assessing the medical consequences of the world's largest accident at a chemical plant in Bhopal (India). He developed the concept of creating an immunological practical public health service in the country (1991-1992). In 1996, based on the achievements of molecular biology, he substantiated the strategy for the development of medical biotechnology.
Author of more than 500 scientific papers, incl. 3 monographs, 15 patents and copyright certificates for inventions.
State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in 2002 for a series of works "New technologies of preventive and ecological medicine (methods for assessing the risk of the influence of harmful factors on public health, socio-hygienic monitoring, principles and biosafety system), eliminating the epidemic morbidity of mass infections, preventing immune-dependent pathology".
Awarded with a medal.