Osvald-Yan Leonovich Bekish (27.08.1938, v. Traby, Ivye district, Grodno region – 27.02.2010), immunologist. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1996), Doctor of Biological Sciences (1973), Professor (1978). Honored Worker of the Higher School of the BSSR (1984).
Major works in the field of molecular biology. Develops a new scientific direction for the study of the immunobiochemical aspects of the adaptation of the parasite and the host in helminth infections. He showed that when parasitism of helminths in the host organism, immunobiological alteration occurs in the form of Ig-E hypersensitivity, which is accompanied by disturbances in the systems of biologically active substances. He justified the treatment regimen of trichinosis with carbamate benzimidazoles in combination with non-specific nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. He showed that tissue worms and their larvae are the first xenografts in human evolution. He proposed a method of preventing the graft versus host reaction during bone marrow allotransplantation using depletion of thymus-positive T-lymphocytes from donor bone marrow by the method of immunomagnetic separation. He proposed a method of obtaining immunomagnetic microspheres, manufactured magnetic separators for the depletion of sockets for immunomagnetic microspheres. Found that the helminth metabolites are powerful mutagens that can cause damage in the genome of somatic and generative host cells. He substantiated the schemes of the combined therapy of human helminthiases, also aimed at protecting his genome.
Author of more than 400 scientific papers, including 12 monographs, textbooks and manuals.
Awarded with medals.