Mikhail Ivanovich Demchuk (b. 28.05.1946, v. Devyatki, Kobrin district, Brest region), a scientist in the field of instrument and mechanical engineering. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1986), Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (1983), Professor (1985). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (1996).
Major works in the field of scientific instrumentation and engineering, systems analysis and organizational design. Developed a new scientific direction in the field of experimental and technical physics, based on the development of original methods and the creation on their basis of precision optoelectronic tools for time-pulse analysis of the intensity of light radiation. Developed and created on the basis of new-generation technologies lasers of ultrashort pulses of subpicosecond time range with programmable radiation parameters. Head of a number of projects and programs aimed at the formation of a highly efficient system of technology transfer in the republic, the organization of economic zones of high innovation activity and research and production complexes and enterprises of high technological culture. Author of several works on the construction of the national education system, new educational technologies and integrated educational institutions, which served as the basis for the creation of the first lyceums in the republic, gymnasiums, colleges, as well as the reform of the vocational and higher schools of the republic.
Author of more than 300 scientific papers, incl. 3 monographs and 40 inventions.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1986 for the development and introduction into practice of optical-physical research of statistical methods for the temporary analysis of fast-variable light radiation fluxes.