Georgy Konstantinovich Goransky (26.12.1912, Kazan, Russia – 08.11.1999), a scientist in the field of engineering and technical cybernetics. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1969), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1968), Professor (1969). Member of the Great Patriotic War.
Scientific research are devoted to the automation of technological preparation of production in mechanical engineering. He developed the foundations of the theory of complex automation and mechanization of assembly production, the theory of designing and calculating the operation of automated machine tool lines and automatic machines. Created methods for presenting and coding information about machine-building parts, algorithms for finding design solutions using correspondence tables and programming logic problems based on them that arise in automated design.
Author of more than 210 scientific papers, incl. 6 monographs.
Awarded with the Order of the Patriotic War of the I and II degree (1944, 1985), the Red Star (1945), medals.