Khariton Stepanovich Goreglyad (11.10.1898, v. Stakhovo, Stolin district, Brest region - 23.05.1985), a scientist in the field of veterinary medicine and hygiene of livestock products. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1950), Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the BSSR (1957 - 1961), Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1939), Professor (1939). Honored Scientist of the BSSR (1949). Member of the Civil War.
— Graduated from Kiev Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute (1925).
— Since 1928 - worked in the field of practical veterinary medicine in Belarus.
— In 1932-1949 - Associate Professor, Professor, Head of the Department and Dean of the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute.
— In 1941-1944 - Head of the Department of the Trinity Veterinary Institute of the Chelyabinsk region.
— In 1950-1954 - Director of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, at the same time Head of the Laboratory.
— Since 1956 - Deputy Director, Head of the Department of Veterinary and Animal Diseases, since 1971 - Scientific Consultant of the Belarusian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute.
Works on zoohygiene, veterinary and sanitary examination and diseases of fish and animals. He developed a method of veterinary-sanitary examination and evaluation of fish products, fats and products of plant origin. He proposed a method for determining the nature of bile pigments in meat, aldehydes in fats. He studied the issues of epizootology and diagnosis of trichinosis, developed a method of heterogeneous donation in animal husbandry, an apparatus for disinfecting meat in industrial processing.
Author of more than 180 scientific papers, incl. 10 monographs and textbooks.
Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1951, 1966), medals.