Victor Pavlovich Gribkovsky (30.04.1932, v. Astashkovichi, Dubrovno district, Vitebsk region – 26.10.2000), physicist. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1977), Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (1973), Professor (1979).
Research on nonlinear optics, laser physics, luminescence, physics of streamer discharges in semiconductors. He developed the theory of light absorption and luminescence under intense excitation, introduced the concept of a nonlinearity parameter, determined the basic laws of saturation effects in semiconductors. Received general formulas for the threshold, power, efficiency, frequency of pulsations and the optimal mode of generation of semiconductor lasers.
Author of more than 300 scientific papers, incl. 5 monographs, two of which are reprinted abroad.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1976 for a series of works on the development of methods for calculating the energy and temporal characteristics of solid-state optical quantum generators, published in 1961-1975.
Awarded with the Order "Badge of Honor" (1981), medals.