Alexander Kirillovich Karabanov (25.10.1952 — 03.08.2019), a scientist in the field of geology. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2014; corresponding member since 2004), Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences (2003), Professor (2011).
Research in the field of regional geology, neotectonics, geodynamics and geomorphology of Belarus. He studies the geology of the Cenozoic territory of Belarus, revealed the regularities of the structure of the latest geological formations and the evolution of large landforms, developed an original complex technique for reconstructing the amplitudes of the neotectonic movements of the ancient material glaciation. He developed the concept of neotectonic evolution and the latest geodynamics of the territory of Belarus. As part of the international group of the project “Neogeodynamics of the Baltic”, he performed the neotectonic regionalization of Western and Central Europe, outlined the main geodynamic factors that determined the course of geological processes and the sedimentation pattern in the late Cenozoic on the territory of Belarus and adjacent areas of the East European Platform.
Author of 250 scientific papers, incl. 13 monographs.
Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2008 for the series of works "Faults and lineaments of the Earth's crust of Belarus: theoretical and applied aspects".
Awarded with a medal.