Leonid Ivanovich Kiselevsky (12.04.1927, Minsk – 08.10.1991), physicist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1980; corresponding member since 1972), Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (1970), Professor (1971). Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BSSR (1978).
Works on laser-plasma systems, technologies for using low-temperature plasma and lasers, automation of spectroscopic measurements. Developed methods for producing highly stable plasma. Under his leadership, created spectral instruments that were used to study high-temperature processes in the installations of new technology, including the processes of entry of spacecraft in the dense layers of the atmosphere.
Author of more than 200 scientific papers and inventions.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1974, State Prize of the USSR in 1991 for scientific achievements in the field of physics.
Awarded with the Order of the Labor Red Banner (1977), the October Revolution (1981), medals.