Boris Ivanovich Kupchinov (19.06.1935, Minsk – 23.06.2009), a scientist in materials science, friction and wear in machines. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1986), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1976), Professor (1989). Honored Inventor of the BSSR.
Works in the field of friction and wear of solids, physics and mechanics of composite materials based on polymers, materials science in mechanical engineering. He laid the scientific basis for controlling the frictional characteristics of materials during friction by forming in the contact zone interfacial layers of a liquid crystal structure. He created a new class of antifriction materials by directed changes in the structure of wood macromolecules, developed constructive-technological parameters for their production, and developed a scientific direction related to the study of tribology of liquid crystals in technical and biological friction units. These results introduce fundamental changes in the existing ideas about the mechanism of friction of the joints and solve fundamental problems in the field of tribology. Based on the study of the mechanism of friction of the joints, fundamentally new methods and drugs were created for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. One of these drugs mastered NPRUP "Dialek" under the brand name "Diasinol". Created import-substituting environmentally friendly friction materials and cutting fluids.
Author of more than 400 scientific papers, incl. 5 monographs, 270 inventions.
State Prize of the BSSR in 1972 for the development of the theoretical foundations of the creation of composite materials and structures made of polymers and metal polymers and their introduction into the national economy.
Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971), medal.