Valentin Konstantinovich Lukashev (25.6.1938, Leningrad – 08.06.1998), a scientist in the field of geochemistry and geology. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1986). Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences (1969), Professor (1994).
Works in the field of geochemistry of the hypergenesis zone and environmental protection. By the example of Belarus, he gave a systematic and most comprehensive characterization of the chemical composition of soils of different epochs of anthropogen, which was an important theoretical basis for work on the search for mineral resources in the design of engineering structures, water supply, land reclamation, solving biomedical and agricultural problems. He proposed a new geochemical method of exploration using artificial sorbents placed in soils in the area of exploration and allowing to detect ore bodies at considerable depths. He led the development of a system of biochemical environmental control, created a series of ecological and geochemical maps of Belarusian cities and developed a new scientific direction - the geochemistry of the urban environment. He developed the problem of using geochemical indicators and indicators to characterize geological processes, studied the paleogeochemical features of Cenozoic lithogenesis in Belarus and adjacent territories.
Author of more than 300 scientific papers, incl. 25 monographs, 5 copyright certificates.