Oleg Grigorievich Martynenko (12.03.1936, Kramatorsk, Ukraine – 01.12.2012), thermal physicist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1991; corresponding member since 1989), Doctor of Engineering Sciences (1973), Professor (1978). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (2001).
The main works are connected with the development of asymptotic approaches in the field of convective heat and mass transfer, gas dynamics of vortex atmospheric formations, methods for calculating heat exchangers and devices. He discovered an anomalous effect of the behavior of heat transfer in turbulent fluid flow in complex-shaped channels with developed large-scale eddies, and established regularities in the evolution of dissipative structures. He discovered the effect of negative viscosity, carried out theoretical and experimental studies of mixed convection and proposed methods for calculating complex heat exchange process equipment. Conducted theoretical and experimental studies in the field of aerothermoptics, on the basis of which the methods of controlling powerful radiation fluxes are implemented.
Author of more than 340 scientific papers, incl. 11 monographs, over 100 inventions.
State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in 2002 for the development of scientific foundations, the creation and introduction of new energy efficient heat and mass transfer technologies and equipment for the energy complex and other sectors of the national economy. Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus named after Academician A.V. Lykov in 2005 for a series of works "Heat and Mass Transfer in Inhomogeneous Media with Allowance for Hydrodynamics, Phase and Chemical Transformations". Award "Friendship" of the People's Republic of China in the field of science in 2010