National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

MATYUKHIN Vladimir Aleksandrovich

MATYUKHIN Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Matyukhin (11.06.1931 - 13.02.2020), physiologist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1995), Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1986), Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1991), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1965), Professor (1977).

Scientific works are devoted to the problems of ecology, bionics, biorhythmology, radiation medicine. He studied the physiology of a healthy person when moving him to the conditions of the monsoon climate of the Far East. He substantiated and formulated the main provisions of the proposed concept of a dynamic regional (geographic) norm of physiological parameters. He developed the physiology and chronoecology of geographical movements associated with the change of climatic and socio-production conditions by humans. He carried out comprehensive studies on the ecological-physiological and environmental-radiation problems of man after the Chernobyl disaster. Develops life support systems after major radiation disasters.

Author of more than 240 scientific papers, incl. 7 monographs.

Awarded with the Order of Francisk Skaryna (2002), medals.

Major papers:

  1. Биоклиматология человека в условиях муссонов. Л.: Наука, 1971.
  2. Биоэнергетика и физиология плавания рыб. Новосибирск: Наука, 1973.
  3. Физиология перемещения и вахтовый труд. Новосибирск: Наука, 1986 (совм. с Кривощековым С.Г., Деминым Д.В. ).
  4. Энергетика мышечной деятельности ныряющих млекопитающих. Новосибирск: Наука, 1988 (совм. с Нешумовой Т.В., Черепановой В.А.).
  5. Экологическая физиология человека и восстановительная медицина. М.: Гэотар медицина, 1999 (совм. с Разумовым А.Н.).
  6. Экологическая физиология и радиационный фактор. М.: Медицина, 2003 (совм. с Разумовым А.Н.).

Web publishing:

  1. Матюхин Владимир Александрович. Международный объединенный биографический центр.