Yuri Mikhailovich Ostrovsky (29.06.1925, Minsk – 31.12.1991), biochemist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1986; corresponding member since 1977), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1965), Professor (1966). Honored Scientist of the BSSR (1978).
Scientific work in the field of vitaminology, regulation of metabolism and a number of areas of clinical biochemistry (narcology, oncology). He created the original concept of the development of alcoholism, which gives prospects for the treatment of this disease. The nature of the centers and groups on the protein and in the molecule of thiamine responsible for the proteidization of the vitamin has been studied; the main provisions have been formulated, substantiating the rational use of antivitamins in medicine.
Published about 500 scientific papers, incl. 9 monographs, 15 inventions.
Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1995 for the cycle of work on the metabolism of thiamine (posthumously).
Awarded with medals.