Alexander Iosifovich Podluzhny (16.08.1935, v. Zalesye, Mstislav district, Mogilev region – 21.11.2005), linguist. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1994; corresponding member since 1989). Doctor of Philological Sciences (1982), Professor (1989). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (1999).
Scientific works on the modern Belarusian language and speech culture. Studies are devoted to the study of the sound system of the Belarusian language, incl. experimentally phonetic. He created a laboratory of experimental phonetics, where he studied the formation of sounds of the Belarusian language, their acoustic structure and perception, studied the phonological system of the Belarusian literary language, which was the basis for developing questions of spelling and orthoepy, as reflected in the “Sloŭnik belaruskay movy” (1987). A significant place is occupied by works on sociolinguistics, language policy in sovereign Belarus. He published works "Belarusian for Russian speakers" (1990) and "Belarusian language textbook for self-education" (1994). Co-author of the works “Guki belaruskay movy” (1973), “Belorusskiy yazyk dlya nebelorusov” (1973, 2 ed. 1978), “Belaruskaya gramatyka” (part 1, 1985) and others. Member of the International Commission of the All-Slavic Linguistic Atlas of the International Committee of Slavists , the head of the national commission and one of the authors of this international project.
Published more than 120 scientific papers, incl. 14 monographs.
Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1995.
Awarded with the Order "Badge of Honor" (1986).